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Cyber Security

Cyber security is crucial for protecting a businesses assets and their customers. 

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Cyber Security Services

Protect your digital assets from evolving threats. Let us create an end-to-end security plan tailored to your business.

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Network Security

All the information stored in a server in your office, or in the cloud is venerable. Protect your network today.

Cyber Criminals : can be individuals of groups targeting companies for financial gain or simply to cause disruption

Cyber Attacks: often involves politically motivated information gathering.

Cyber Terrorism: is intended to undermine electronic systems to cause panic or fear to customers 

How can you protect your business from Cyber Security threats?

Work with the Right People:

  • Create a security plan for the entire organization​


  • All products and processes should be designed with security and responsibility clearly defined​


  • Add Consolicomm as your cyber expert


  • Using high-tech software and equipment isnt enough- make sure your tech staff is trained and has the skills to manage your plan.​




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Cyber Security Pricing & Quotes

Ok, so you send your IT team out to buy more technology, anti-malware, anti-virus, encryption software or technology, and sign-up for end-user security training. That could be a great start, but without a security plan that's been thought out across the organization and guidance from experts , you may spend a lot of money and not improve your security at all.

Lets think through a planning process to protect and defend your business. 

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